Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 7, 2020

This is your SolarWakeup for July 23rd, 2020

Bailing Out Coal And Nuclear. Taking a step back from the crime committed in Ohio to analyze what it means for the energy industry. HB6 had three primary components, bail out nuclear power plants, bail out coal plants and kill the renewable portfolio standard. All of this to primarily benefit one regulated, incumbent monopoly. Ohio is a conservative State where national image plays a role so you would think that supporting nuclear and especially coal would be a positive for legislators. In this case, the monopoly had to resort to bribing the Speaker of the House to pass a bill to allow them to get what they want. This either means that clean energy/climate advocates had enough power to stop the bill if not for bribes or legislators realize that the $60million means nothing to a utility that gets to pass their costs on to ratepayers. If you believe that the second is true, that the House speaker viewed utility regulations as a quasi-slush fund, then what makes you think this is unique to Ohio?

What’s Next? Theoretically the law forbids a convicted criminal from profiting from the crime. A bank robber does not get to keep the cash. In First Energy’s case however, HB6 remains law regardless of the fact that it happened thanks to a $60million greasing of the wheels. Legislators are mulling a repeal but in what shouldn’t come as a surprise, Governor DeWine does not support the repeal of a billion dollar subsidy for the monopoly. 

Money, Calls and Advocacy. It shouldn’t be surprise to you that solar doesn’t have $60 million in dark money for political action but instead we have the voice of a market that is booming and growing jobs in every Congressional district. It should not be a shock to you that the Senate leadership does not want to include the solar ITC in the stimulus package. So right now is the moment you pick up your phone and call your elected officials. Jobs, jobs, jobs is the message. Here’s how to call, here’s SEIA’s call to action

Clean Energy For Biden. 100% by 2035 is a policy that I strongly stand behind. Federal leadership on transmission, training and regional energy markets as well. Now that PURPA is being redesigned against solar, we will need action there as well. In August there are two great events to talk about how to make that happen. First on August 5th is with Senator Heinrich and on the 20th with Congressman Charlie Crist. Both have stood with solar for a decade and in a unique position to talk with us. If you want to get involved and help make these events a success, hit reply, including if you are interested in co-hosting the event. In working with the Biden campaign, SolarWakeup has a fundraising link that tracks back to the solar industry, your financial support is key.  


Best, Yann

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